Hamstring strain
Is a common injury characterized by a partial or complete rupture of the muscle fibers in the hamstring muscles located at the back of the thigh. This injury often occurs during sports activities involving explosive movements or excessive stretching of the hamstring muscles.
Principal causes:
Sudden or explosive movements: Quick or explosive movements such as sprints, jumps, or rapid changes in direction can place excessive strain on the hamstring muscles and lead to a muscle tear.
Excessive stretching: Overstretching of the hamstring muscles, especially with excessive hip flexion or forced leg extension, can result in a muscle tear.
Muscle fatigue: Muscle fatigue due to intense training, overuse of the muscles, or lack of adequate rest can make the hamstring muscles more vulnerable to injury.
Pain: Sudden and intense pain at the back of the thigh, often described as a snap or tearing sensation.
Tenderness: Tenderness to touch or pain upon pressure over the area of the muscle tear.
Swelling: Swelling or bruising around the affected area.
Decreased mobility: Difficulty fully extending the leg or bending the hip due to pain and muscle stiffness.
Muscle spasms: Muscle cramps or spasms in the hamstring region.
Our Treatment as a EvivaPHYSIO:
Physical examination: A physical examination by a healthcare professional can help locate the muscle tear and assess its severity.
Medical imaging: Imaging tests such as ultrasound or MRI may be used to confirm the diagnosis and evaluate the extent of the muscle tear.
Rest and ice: Rest and application of ice to the affected area can help reduce initial pain, inflammation, and swelling.
Compression and elevation: Using a compression bandage and keeping the affected leg elevated can also help reduce swelling and promote healing.
Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be recommended to alleviate pain (if necessary).
Rehabilitation: Once pain and inflammation have subsided, a rehabilitation program including strengthening, stretching, and proprioception exercises may be prescribed to help restore strength, flexibility, and function of the hamstring muscles.
Physical therapy: Physical therapy, including techniques such as massage therapy, electrotherapy, and ultrasound therapy, may also be beneficial for promoting healing and recovery.
It is important to consult a healthcare professional if a hamstring muscle tear is suspected to obtain an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. Early treatment and rehabilitation can help reduce complications and promote a fast and full recovery. Additionally, it is essential to follow the healthcare provider's recommendations and refrain from returning to intense physical activity until the injury is fully healed to avoid recurrence or worsening of the muscle tear.